Embracing Terror

There is nothing more freeing and enlightening than questioning everything you’ve ever been told. Pick up the things that are ingrained within your mind and smash them on the ground. Step back and take a look at the structure in your life; and see through its walls of oppression. Say things out loud that you’ve been told to say in your head and think about how ridiculous they sound.

Imagine the ways you could have flourished if you would have known it was possible. Imagine your life with no walls.

Think of your deepest fears. Are they even real? Have they been created to confine you in a place of defeat?

Refuse to accept things that don’t make sense. Refuse to live for the happiness of someone else, when you know your life is gravitating in a different direction. Refuse to be told what your limitations are, and what your convictions should be. Refuse to be held down socially, intellectually, and spiritually.

When the voices of those around you are too loud, walk away. Sit in the silence. Embrace the terror of not being sure what life is. Embrace the insecurity of not knowing who you are. Then figure it out.

Throughout all the generations of this world, people have sat in the silent terror just like you. They have pondered the unknowns. Some have decided they know the answers. I don’t think anyone does.

In the chaos of not knowing, love.

Love yourself, love everyone around you, love the stranger, love the animal, love the plant, love anything that is alive. See where this takes you. See what walls are destroyed. See what fears are diminished. See what questions are answered. Some are bound to be, because you were created for love. When your purpose is being fulfilled, things begin to make sense.



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